Friday, August 02, 1996

The Reef Trader Outpost EXCHANGE (RTO-X) FAQ version 1.1

  1. What is the Reef Trader Outpost EXCHANGE (RTO-X)?
      The Exchange is here to provide a forum for trading reef flora, fauna and equipment, an "outpost" on the wild frontier of reef keeping. This is a non-commercial venture with no ties to any vendor, product, etc.

      The Reef Trader Outpost is located at:

  2. Why does the RTO-X exist?
      Two of the amazing things about reef keeping is that many organisms can grow, reproduce or otherwise multiply while in captivity; and the astonishing variety of organisms available. This forum will allow other hobbyists to share and trade their success in this otherwise expensive hobby. Trading reduces consumption of natural resources and reduces waste! Hopefully, it will also save "culled" organisms from the whirlpool-of-death (AKA the big-flush.) We will also attempt to recycle unwanted equipment.

  3. Who maintains the RTO-X?
      Todd Zebert is your host, an avid reef keeper. Hopefully, as this venture grows I'll have many people helping me. (hint hint) He can be reached at


  4. How does the RTO-X work?
      Take stock of your tank and your reef maintenance practices... Are you being overrun by purple mushroom polyps? Are you throwing away perfectly good callurpa? Decided your shrimp/urchin/fish just isn't getting along and your local aquarium store won't take it back? Did you upgrade your skimmer and now the old one is collecting dust in your basement? Is your coral about to grow out of your tank? Now that you've captured that mantis shrimp, could it be someone might want it?? Just about anything could be wanted by someone else.

      Remember, a TRADE is a two way deal, so just don't sit there looking through the for-trades waiting for something "good", place your own!

  5. How do I use the RTO-X?
    1. First, read the entire FAQ.

    2. Second, browse the FOR-TRADE listings and see if anything pique your interest (then see Section VIII)

    3. Third, read the section below on posting on the RTO-X (see Section VI)

  6. Posting a FOR-TRADE on the RTO-X.
      At this point there is no need for any sort of high-tech forms-based entry and parsing procedures, so all entries will be handed manually via a simple mailto form. Please put "RTO-X" in your subject line so I can sort my email easily. If your web browser does not support mailto, then just perform the mail using your favorite mail package.

      In your entry you should mention what you have for trade, and what you would like to trade for, if you have any ideas. Trading and not selling, is highly encouraged, although this has some exceptions. Outright selling of items is acceptable under the following conditions:

      • you are leaving the hobby
      • you are moving and can not transport the items to your new location
      • you have more than one active tank and are taking one tank down
      • you are selling items that cannot be easily or cheaply acquired elsewhere and produced them yourself
      • or anything that doesn't violate the following rule:
      • you may not have a commercial interest in selling these items.

      Please use both common and scientific names for all organisms if at all possible. Also include any important information about the item like "this has lived in my tank for xx years/months" , color/weight/size/volume of item, "don't want yyy anymore because its nipping at my corals", etc.

      Please specifically include your return EMAIL address.


      WILL TRADE small Xenia colony (golf ball sized) that has split off my main colony FOR cleaner shrimp (Hippolysmata grabhami) OR what have you? REPLY to REEFGUY@OCEAN.BLU

  7. What happens once I submit my FOR-TRADE entry?
      At this point there is no need for any sort of high-tech forms-based entry and parsing procedures, so all entries will be handed manually.

      The maintainer will edit the entries for clarity and brevity and add them to the listings as soon as he can, it should normally take no more than 2-3 days, along with a ENTRY NUMBER, this number will also be sent to the submitter with the posted version of the trade.

      At this point, another visitor will hopefully see your FOR-TRADE and find he/she is the perfect candidate for this trade.

  8. What happens if I'm interested in a FOR-TRADE? What is a WILL-TRADE?
      A WILL-TRADE is a response to a FOR-TRADE and usually is a offer to make the trade under the conditions given. It may occur that the FOR-TRADEr will mount a counter offer and now your haggling. Currently, I am not in the position to handle all WILL-TRADE responses so each WILL-TRADE response will have to be MADE DIRECTLY TO THE INDIVIDUAL POSTING THE FOR-TRADE. Please reference "RTO-X" and the trade number in the subject line.

      Example of WILL-TRADE:

      TO: REEFGUY@OCEAN.BLUE SUBJ: RTO-X TRADE #14 For your small Xenia colony, I'll offer a large handful clump of branching brown callurpa and 2 turbo snails.

  9. What happens once the trade is agreed to?
      Please notify me ASAP so I can remove the FOR-TRADE from the listings.

  10. Suggestions on mechanisms for performing a TRADE.
      This is still being written/considered. In the future it will contain suggestions on how to mail the traded items, shipping suggestions, "guaranties", etc. (any help on this would be appreciated...)

      Please consider shipping costs when thinking about making a trade.

      Note: Treat any flora and fauna to the same practices as you would items from a fish store. Proper quarantine and acclimation are necessary!! Any equipment should be treated to a thorough decontamination and cleaning.

      Suggested Shipping Procedures:

      • Snails and Hermit Crabs may be shipped mostly dry.

      • Plastic bags can be acquired from your favorite aquarium store, and most will give you some free. OTOH, if you plan to use them for trades, it might be best to buy them.

  11. What's in the Future for RTO-X?
      I had my palm read just yesterday and it said the RTO could launch reef keeping into a hobby with a popularity matched only by the Hola-hoop, so I've got my fingers crossed!

      The web pages could use some fixing up, and I'm going to be looking into a visitor counter, searches, pictures of items, and perhaps a more automated procedure, and whatever good ideas I get!

End of RTO-X FAQ.

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