Tuesday, January 07, 1997


Welcome! ! From the Editor | Contact | Copyright | Masthead | Press Releases | RTO Announce E-List | Feedback | RTO Link Icons | Advertising Information | Top News Initiative

From the Editor

Monthly (or more) column about whats going on in the RTO, the state of the hobby, and probably more diverse short subjects, and perhaps will even have guest "letters" from others in the hobby.

  • 97-01-07 Reef Traders Outpost as Interactive Community
  • 96-10-04 Our One Year Anniversary
  • 96-09-18 Welcome to our new site!
  • 96-07-18 Vacations, Aquaria and Chaos Theory
  • 96-06-19 The Dark Side of Summer: Heat & Vacations
  • 96-05-16 Looking Back from 100+ Trades in the Exchange
  • 96-05-01 Getting Aquaria Help on the Internet...


Reef Traders' Outpost is dedicated to furthering the Reef, Marine, and general Aquaria hobby through quality information and services. We are pleased to present them to you. Please feel free to make suggestions, submit articles, FOR-TRADEs, links, or services, or anything else you feel would be appropriate.

Attn: RTO address no longer valid

Thanks for stopping by and supporting the RTO, your host, Todd Zebert.


By having entered this site, you understand and agree that all copyright and/or service trademarks will be respected.

Copyright c 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2005 and 2009 by Todd Zebert and others. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of the material and databases in this site may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any human or computer language, in any form or by any means whatsoever, without the express written permission of Todd Zebert. All others retain same rights unless explicitly stated.

This Reef Traders' Outpost World Wide Web site, was created to provide information and services related to the Reef, Marine, and general Aquaria hobby. The users of this site shall indemnify the holders of the copyright(s) harmless from and against any and all damages, liabilities, losses, costs, and expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees, arising out of or related to users' use of information and/or services offered and/or presented in this site.


Please see this document!

Press Releases

  • 96-09-23 - Announcing our new site RTOP.COM
  • 96-07-24 - An updating announcement
  • 96-06-21 - An updating announcement
  • 96-05-05 - A completely redone Pipes, now with different catagories, including ERMALinks -Essential Reef & Marine Aquaria Links, and a new Office period column, "From the Editor".
  • 96-04-17 - Announcing new improved Feedback system
  • 96-04-04 - Announcing lots of new stuff : corey search off the title page, the FishRoom Web-side Companion, RTO@FR, the RTO Announce EList and the RTO office.
  • 96-03-20 - An updating announcement, also with the reformat of the Exchange using Frames
  • 96-03-07 - An updating announcement, also first post to the new aquaria groups
  • 96-02-22 - An updating announcement, mentioning the new format and page layouts, and a hint of the observatory
  • 95-12-14 - Explaining why the RTO has been so messed up: my old ISP threw a hard drive, and updating pipes
  • 95-11-08 - I changed the Exchange's for-trade guidelines to allow sales in specfic cases
  • 95-10-20 - Introducing Pipes, and adding new features and for-trades
  • 95-10-13 - Introducing Features, and placing the Exchange below the RTO, interest is high.
  • I'm missing a few here... gone because of the hard drive thing...
  • 95-10-06 - An Announcement, the RTO is thriving, also with the first rev of the faq (also sniped)
  • 95-10-04 - My first posting about the RTO, still in its infancy, and the version .99 of the FAQ (sniped)
  • 95-09-26 - The original Usenet Post looking for Interest in a trading forum

RTO Advertising Information

Currently, the RTO is looking for sponsors and advertisers, who will get exposure in high profile locations on the web site and get mentioned in the periodic (about every two weeks) RTO Announce Elist.
Please fill out the form below to request the advertising information, and leave a comment if you wish.
If your bowser doesn't support forms, please send the above information plus "request RTO Ads".

RTO Announce E-List

Get on our mailing list, be the first to get informed of new trades, new features, changes, and new departments! Keep yourself up to date quickly and easily. Just fill out the simple form below and you'll be informed!
If your bowser doesn't support forms, please send the above information plus "Subscribe RTO-Announce".

Can you help?
Some of our friends are missing in action, after having signed up for the RTO Announce, their email addresses don't work. If you haven't been getting any RTO Announce mail, or know someone who hasn't, or just think you might!, please check out this ist of MIA subscribers.

Reader's Feedback

We've made it easier to send comments, questions and other feedback to RTO, look for the Send Feedback icon around the RTO.
Some people have said some nice and helpful things about the RTO, and you can read them.

RTO Link Icon

Now your site's visitors can see a graphical icon with the link to the Reef Traders' Outpost. Depending on your system and your preference, you can drap and drop, click and save, or link to this icon. Then please hyperlink them here. Do not modify this graphic or use for any other purpose.


Please see this document!

No comments:

Use the Icons below to Navigate

The Exchange

The Exchange
A forum for trading reef & marine flora, fauna and equipment.


Serving up columns, information, articles, sometimes with a twist of wit.


New, essential and obscure connections to other sites and pages.

RTO Office

RTO Office
Copyright information, press releases, contact information, credits, the RTO-Announce, and more.

The Observatory

The Observatory
A virtual gallery of Reef and Marine Aquaria tanks pictures and information contributed by hobbyists from around the world,

The MessHall

The MessHall
A threaded message base with topics relating to the RTO. Discuss topics with the RTO community.

The Isles...

The Isles...
Coming Soon!

Cory Search

Cory Search
This used to be a searchable index of Aquaria resources including the RTO. See the leftbar Google search now.

FishRoom WebSide Companion

FishRoom WebSide Companion
"FishRoom" is now hosting RTO rooms, get all the details at the above and more about FishRoom!

RTO Announce E-List

RTO Announce E-List
Replaced by Feeds in the left bar.

Send Feedback