Wednesday, August 14, 1996

Fishroom: How to Connect


Here is my standard reply on how to get to Fishroom. If you have any suggestions on how to improve these instructions, please e-mail them to

There are several ways to gain access to FishRoom. The preferred way is to telnet directly into the mud. That is usually done with a command similar to:

telnet 1025

Note the space between and 1025. If the above command works, you should see (without the #### lines):

Trying ...
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
Welcome to:
     ////////  //   ///////  //    //  //////     ////      ////    //    //  
    //        //  //        //    //  //   //   //  //    //  //   ///  ///
   //////    //  ////////  ////////  //////   //    //  //    //  // // //
  //        //        //  //    //  //  //    //  //    //  //   //    //
 //        //  ///////   //    //  //   //    ////      ////    //    //
A discussion mud for Aquarium keepers, built using the DGD driver.
Note: A response of 'q' or 'quit' to any login question
      will terminate the login process.
Please enter the name you go by: 

At this point, you should enter a name you wish to go by. Mine, for instance, is 'kevinc'. If you enter a name, and are prompted for a password, somebody else is already using that name. You should see a verification message saying that the name you entered is a new name and requesting if it is the one you really want to use.

After you confirm your name, just follow the prompts, and you will be in.

If your system gives you a message about being unable to resolve, try the telnet using kplace's address instead. That command would look like:

telnet 1025

From that point on, the above should hold.

There are a FEW people who live behind corporate firewalls who are not allowed to telnet directly to non-standard port numbers like FishRooms port 1025. For those folks, I have an alternative access method. However, using it will result in a slower connection and more of a load on kplace, so I discourage its usage unless the preferred method outlined above simply won't work.

The alternative method is to telnet directly into kplace, login the special fishroom account, and have it connect you to the FishRoom mud. That session would look something like (less the #### lines):

Trying ...
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
Linux 1.2.10 ( (ttyp2)
kplace login: fishroom
Password: fishroom (not displayed)
Last login: Thu Aug  3 23:21:06 from
Linux 1.2.10. (POSIX).
Yow!  It's some people inside the wall!  This is better than mopping!
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
Welcome to:
     ////////  //   ///////  //    //  //////     ////      ////    //    //  
    //        //  //        //    //  //   //   //  //    //  //   ///  ///
   //////    //  ////////  ////////  //////   //    //  //    //  // // //
  //        //        //  //    //  //  //    //  //    //  //   //    //
 //        //  ///////   //    //  //   //    ////      ////    //    //
A discussion mud for Aquarium keepers, built using the DGD driver.
Note: A response of 'q' or 'quit' to any login question
      will terminate the login process.
Please enter the name you go by: 

Finally, for those that use web browsers, if your browser has telnet capability, you can use the address:


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