Saturday, June 06, 1998

RTO Pipes: Distantly Related Sites of Interest Links

These links are as-is and have not been verified since this is an archive

  • Land crabs of the Seychelles islands: Thjis site contains description of the land crabs and their habitats including pictures.
    Submitted 08:35:21 6/16/98 by Eric De Muylder

  • The Discus Channel Infofmation Page: Homepage of The Discus Channel. The channel meets every Sunday on EfNet IRC, to trade fish keeping information with aquarists from around the world...
    Submitted 10:50:13 10/21/96 by Ralph A. Brusca

  • Fishing for Information has a worldwide, comprehensive set of links and email lists covering all aspects of fish/diving/oceans/etc.

  • A photographer and beginner diver and combines the two and takes some pictures of reefs and the wreck of the Oro Verde around the Grand Cayman islands.

  • Some divers stumble across coral reproduction off the Florida coast. Noteworthy pictures and light detail about reproduction of Montastrea cavernosa and M. annularis coral.

  • A brief part of a P. T. Barnum expose with references to early fishkeeping.

  • About Temperature Check about 60% through the document for the section called "Thermal Radiation" for a explanation of black box K temperature, the light spectrum unit of metal halide and other lights.

  • THE Water FAQ and THE AMERICAN WATER WORKS ASSOCIATION (AWWA) This information is aimed at human consumption, but it should give you some insight into what kind of water you have, possible contaminates and their effect, how you can treat it, and methods of doing so. It also had related links.

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